


9/30/99 - Today the Lyman Cross Country team went to East Hampton to compete in the Bell Ringer Invite.  Lyman was entered in the Coed JV. race and the boys and girls varsirty races.  Both the girls and the boys ran a 3.1 mile course (normally boys run 3.1 and girls run 2.6 miles).
In the JV. race Pat Worth, Joel Scata, Chris Pontie, Joe Bendoraitis and Heather Rennie, just to name a few, all placed in the top 100 runners in a 200 man feild.  Pat took the 91 spot, Chris the 16 spot, Joe the 44 spot and Joel the 39 spot.  Heather finished 64 and was the 4th female runner in.  Graham Kolar had his best race of his career by taking the second spot in the JV race and had a time of 21 minues and 48 seconds.  Steve Kropp took the 6 spot, Adam Leston 21, Jake Shanks 25, Joe Henderson 42, George Sweetland 46.
The Girls Varsity race featured Jasmine Manning in the 21 spot, Heather Semon who took the 29 spot, Stacey Cheney in the 34 spot, Alyssa Meyer in the 47 spot,  Lindsey Roy in the 56 spot,  Kate Rackliffe in the 75 position,  Nory Messier in the 83 slot and Lindsay Martineau in the 97 spot.
In the boys Varsity race Pat Blake took the second position  with a time of 17 minutes and 35 seconds,  Johnny Wakerman took 24, Chuck Edenburn 28, Danny Jones 78, Rob Durnick 88 , Ralph Pearsall 92, Dan Ponte 93, Alex Flix 95, Fred Rivard 97, Ben Withey 112, Steve Nemith 113 and Andy Ives 124
10/1/99 -  Coach Merlino announced that the lyman cross country team will be praticipating in the Relay For Life on Saturday 10/16 and Sunday 10/17
10/4/99 - Lyman runners had their first and last home meet of the season against Bolton and Portland. This was a very important race for Lyman and their standings in the C.O.C conference.  ( Charter Oak Conference )Lyman beat Bolton and came close to beating Portland.
10/9/99 - Today Lyman Memorial attended the Wickham Invitational run at Wickham Park in Manchester, CT (one of the biggest races in the Northeast ).  Lyman was one of many teams that came to compete in this race, there were teams there from as far as Vermont. There were three races that Lyman was entered in;  boys and girls freshm,an, boys and girls JV. and boys and girls Varsity. In the JV race there were 650 runners.
10/12/99 - Lyman had it's last C.O.C meet ( Charter Oak Conference ) against Cromwell, Rocky Hill and Bacon Academy at Rocky Hill.  This was an extremely important meet for Lyman, Rocky Hill is a very hard team to beat and a very big team in terms of the C.O.C championship. Lyman overcame the odds and pulled off a victory over Rocky Hill , Bacon and Cromwell. For the girls team Jasmine Manning and Heather Semon took the 2 and 3 positions and for the boys Pat Blake took the number 1 position.
10/15/99 - Today Lyman Harriers took on Windham High School and Windham Tech at the beautiful Mansfield Hollow
Park. This race is a tradition for Lyman to have a late season race at Mansfield Hollow.
10/20/99 - Today Lyman had it's C.O.C. race to decide what team is the best in the league at Coginchaug High School in Durham, CT. . It was a cold, nasty, wet, muddy day and we had a heck of a good time, even though Lyman did not do as well as we had expected. The team stayed in it's 4 place standing.
10/25/99 - This was a sad but extremely great day for Lyman Cross Country. It was, for many of the runner's their last
day and for the senior boys and girls on the team their last race ever for Lyman. Jamie Nowosad, Lindsay Roy and Jasmine Manning were unable to complete the rest of their season due to certain circumstances. Andy Ives, Liza Hebb, Paula Rondeau, Tara Murphy, Greg Hartzell and Joe Bendoraitis had their last race of their high school career.
10/30/99 - The state meet, the big dance for the chosen 7 runners, also known as the varsity team. For the boys team it was Pat Blake, John Wakerman, Dan Ponte, Danny Jones, Chuck Edenburn, Ralph Pearsail and Ben Withey leading the boys team. For the girls team it was Heather Semon, Alyssa Meyer, Stacey Cheney, Kate Rackliffe, Nory Messier, Jill Cavanna and Heather Rennie leading the girls team. Congratulations to Pat Blake, John Wakerman, Heather Semon and Alyssa Meyer. Pat Blake is also off to the State Open this Friday.
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Killingly / Tourtellotte / Meronapolis / Bacon / Lyman -
      Boys                                                 Girls
 - 1  17:35  Pat Blake                                  - 4  17:56  Heather Semon
 - 5  18:47  Johnny Wakerman                    - 6   18:36  Jasmine Manning
 - 14  19:41  Chuck Edenburn                     - 8   18:53  Alyssa Meyer
 - 16  20:11  Alex Flix                                - 14  19:22  Stacey Cheney
 - 20  20:46  Ralph Pearsall                        - 16  19:34  Lindsay Roy
 - 25  21:10  Danny Jones                           - 17  19:35  Lindsay Slate
 - 27  21:11  Fred Rivard                            - 19  20:01  Meghan Bergeron
 - 28  21:19  Rob Durnik                             - 26  20:56  Maura Kenney
 - 37  22:14  Dan Ponte                               - 28  20:59  Kate Rackliffe
 - 43  22:42  Jake Shanks                             - 29  21:05  Nory Messier
 - 46  23:04  Andy Ives                                 - 30  21:08  Jill Cavanna
 - 47  23:09  Steve Kropp                             - 31  21:09  Lindsay Martineau
 - 48  23:10  Al Yonkowski                           - 37  22:50  Amber Manning
 - 52  23:59  Joe Bendoraitis                          - 47  24:12  Katie Finlan
 - 53  23:59  Graham Kolar                            - 52  26:23  Tara Murphy
 - 56  24:14  Chris Ponte                                - 53  26:30  Paula Rondeau
 - 62  24:51  Joel Scata                                  - 54  26:40  Jenna Solari
 - 63  24:59  Neil Nadeau                              - 55  27:42  Liza Hebb
 - 69  25:47  George Sweetland
 - 73  26:41  Kyle Spooner
 - 74  26:41  Nick Culpin
 - 75  28:01  Greg Hartzell
 - 76  28:33  Pat Worth
 - 77 28:34  Alex Colberne

Final Team Score

  Lyman Vs Killingly - 24 - 31 - Lyman                  - 32 - 23 - Killingly
  Lyman Vs Tourtellotte - 25 - 32 - Lyman             - 15 - 50 - Lyman
  Lyman Vs Bacon  - 19 - 40 - Lyman                    - 22 - 37 - Lyman
  Lyman Vs Meeinapolis - 25 - 26 - Lyman             - 24 - 35 - Lyman

Windham Invite -
 Boys                                                        Girls
- 1 16:36  Pat Blake                                    - 16  17:44  Jasmine Manning
- 36 18:45  Chuck Edenburn                       - 27  18:25  Heather Semon
- 74  20:07  Danny Jones                            - 35  18:50  Stacey Cheney
- 80  20:22  Fred Rivard                             - 36  18:51  Alyssa Meyer
- 102  21:06  Rob Durnik                           - 47  19:12  Lindsay Roy
- 123  22:14  Ralph Persall                         - 48  19:12  Megan Bergeron
- 126  22:22  Alex Flis                                - 52  19:31  Lindsay Slatt

Cheney Tech / Coventry / Lyman -
   Boys                                                      Girls
 - 1  16:02  Pat Blake                                       - 1  16:55  Jasmine Manning
 - 2  17:00  Johnny Wakerman                          - 2  17:10  Heather Semon
 - 2  17:03  Chuck Edenburn                             - 3  17:25  Stacey Cheney
 - 6  17:59  Jamie Nowosad                              - 4  17:27  Alyssa Meyer
 - 10  18:35  Fred Rivard                                  - 7  18:11  Lindsay Roy
 - 11  18:35  Ralph Pearsall                               - 8  18:44  Lindsay Slate
 - 15  19:09  Ben Withey                                   - 9  19:07  Maura Kenney
 - 16  19:17  Rob Durnik                                 - 11  19:11  Kate Rackliffe
 - 17  19:23  Alex Flix                                       - 13  20:04  Nory Messier
 - 18  19:24  Danny Jones                                 - 15  20:21  Lindsay Martineau
 - 20  19:38  Steve Nemeth                               - 17  21:58  Katie Finlan
 - 21  19:52  Dan Ponte                                     - 18  22:00  Heather Berube
 - 22  20:09  Andy Ives                                     - 19  22:37  Jackie Proulx
 - 23  20:13  Chris Ponte                                   - 20  23:02  Liza Hebb
 - 25  22:27  Joe Bendoraitis                              - 21  23:44  Tara Murphy
 - 26  22:25  Steve Kropp                                 - 22  23:51  Jenna Solari
 - 27  22:28  Al Yonkowski
 - 28  22:41  George Sweetland
 - 29  22:48  Neil Nadeau
 - 30  22:56  Joel Scata
 - 31  24:32  Ron Smith
 - 32  24:34  Gerg Hartzell
 - 33  24:36  Nick Culpin
 - 34  26:60  Pat Worth
 - 37  28:00  Alex Colburne

Final Team Score

Lyman Vs Cheney - 15 - 48 - Lyman
Lyman Vs Coventry - 22 - 33 - Lyman                  - 17 - 44 - Lyman

East Hampton / Rham / Lyman -
Boys                                           Girls

- 1 18:19  Pat Blake                        - 6 18:58  Jasmine Manning
- 7 19:53  Johnny Wakerman           - 9 19:52  Heather Semon
- 8 20:01  Chuck Edenburn              - 13 20:10  Stacy Cheney
- 15 21:04  Jamie Nowasad             - 14 20:12 Alyssa Meyer
- 20 21:25  Fred Rivard                   - 16 20:22  Lindsay Roy
- 21 21:49  Dan Ponte                     - 22 20:44  Megan Bergeron
- 22 21:49  Ralph Pearsall               - 23 20:50  Lindsay Slate
- 25 22:06  Danny Jones                 - 24 21:09  Norie Messier
- 27 22:29  Rob Durnik                   - 25 21:17  Jill Cavana
- 30 23:17  Alex Flis                       - 29 21:46  Kate Rackliff
- 33 23:35  Andy Ives                     - 33 22:05  Maura Kenny
- 34 23:39  Steve Krop                   - 41 24:10  Jen Haberern
- 35 24:01  Chris Ponte                   - 43 24:53  Katie Finlan
- 36 24:18  Grham Kolar                 - 44 24:58  Amber Manning
- 40 24:51  Jake Shanks                  - 45 25:00  Lindsay Martino
- 42 25:19 Joey Bendoraitis             - 46 25:38  Jackie Proulx
- 44 25:29  Al Yonkowski               - 50 26:09  Liza Hebb
- 46 26:00  George Sweetland         - 51 26:09  Genna Solari
- 47 26:03  Neil Neadeau                - 52 26:28  Paula Rondeau
- 48 26:17  Adam Leston                - 53 27:26  Tara Murphy
- 49 26:36  Jole Scata
- 50 27:03 Nick Colpin
- 51 27:20 Greg Hertzle
- 52 27:54 Alex Colburn
- 53 28:10 Kyle Spooner

Final Team Score

East Hampton Vs Rham - 18- 37 - East Hampton        37-23 - Rham
East Hampton Vs Lyman - 22-33 - East Hampton        26-29 - East Hampton
Rham Vs Lyman - 28-30 - Rham                                 14-44 - Rham

Bellringer Invite -
    Boys / Girls Jv                          Boys Varsity                                Girls Varsity
 - 2  21:48  Graham Kolar                - 2  17:35  Pat Blake                    - 21  24:07  Jasmine Mannig
 - 6  22:06  Steve Kropp                  - 24  19:39  John Wakerman         - 29  24:42  Heather Semon
 - 16  23:05  Chris Ponte                 - 28  19:53  Chuck Edenburn         - 34  24:50  Stacey Cheney
 - 21  23:47  Adam Leston              - 78  21:35  Danny Jones                - 47  25:52  Alyssa Meyer
 - 25  24:05  Jake Shanks                - 88  21:51  Rob Durnik                - 56  26:00  Lindsay Roy
 - 92  22:01  Ralph Pearsall             - 75  26:47  Kate Rackliffe              - 83  27:33  Nory Messier
 - 42  24:51  Joe Henderson            - 93  22:06  Dan Ponte                    - 97  28:21  Lindsay Martineau
 - 44  24:53  Joe Bendoraitis            - 95  22:14  Alex Flix
 - 46  24:55  George Sweetland        - 97  22:20  Fred Rivard
 - 49  25:06  Al Yonkowski             - 112  22:59  Ben Withey
 - 55  25:18  Greg Hartzell               - 113  23:10  Steve Nemeth
 - 57  25:30  Nick Culpin                 - 124  24:05  Andy Ives
 - 92  27:23  Alex Colberne
 - 99  28:08  Chirstian Shaw
 - 118  30:54  Katie Finlan
 - 119  30:57  Jen Haberern
 - 122  32:09  Amber Manning
 - 127  31:48  Liza Hebb
 - 135             Paula Rondeau
 - 142             Jenna Solari
 - 146             Tara Murphy

Portland / Bolton / Lyman -
Boys                                                    Girls
- 1  17:46  Pat Blake                                 - 4  18:14  Heather Semon
- 6  18:47  Johnny Wakerman                   - 6  18:15  Jasmine Manning
- 7  20:01  Chuck Endenburn                    - 7  19:06  Alyssa Meyer
- 11  20:50  Jamie Nowosad                     - 8  19:16  Stacey Cheney
- 12  20:52  Dan Ponte                             - 11  19:39  Lindsay Slate
- 13  21:02  Ralph Pearsall                        - 13  19:53  Lindsay Roy
- 14  21:03  Fred Rivard                           - 14  20:04  Heather Rennie
- 15  21:09  Rob Durnik                          - 15  20:22  Meghan Bergaron
- 17  21:14  Danny Jones                          - 16  20:30  Kate Rackliffe
- 18  21:33  Alex Flix                                - 17  20:31  Jill Cavanna
- 20  21:43  Steve Nemeth                        - 19  20:57  Nory Messier
- 21  21:56  Graham Kolar                        - 20  21:02  Maura Kenney
- 22  22:32  Ben Withey                            - 26  22:52  Jen Haberenn
- 23  22:41  Chris Ponte                            - 27  22:57  Katie Finlan
- 24  23:18  Andy Ives                              - 28  23:57  Heather Berube
- 25  23:19  Joe Henderson                       - 29  24:01  Liza Hebb
- 27  23:44  Steve Kropp                          - 30  24:13  Amber Manning
- 28  23:52  Joe Bendoraitis                       - 31  24:54  Puala Rondeau
- 30  24:12  Al Yonkowski                        - 32  25:23  Tara Murphy
- 32  24:20  Adam Leston                         - 33  25:30  Jenna Solari
- 35  24:41  Greg Hartzell
- 36  25:16  Joel Scata
- 37  25:26  Neil Nadeau
- 39  26:15  Kyle Spooner
- 40  26:16  Alex Colburn
- 41  26:23  Pat Worth
- 42  26:24  Nick Culpin
- 43  26:25  Christan Shaw

Final Team Score

Lyman Vs Balton - 14 -42 - Lyman                 20 - 41 - Lyman
Lyman Vs Portland - 33 - 22 - Portland           31 - 24 - Portland

Cromwell / Lyman / Rockey Hill / Bacon -
Boys                                              Girls
- 1 17:13  Pat Blake                          - 2 17:51  Jasmine Manning
- 3 18:32  Johnny Wakerman             - 3 17:57  Heather Semon
- 5 18:48  Chuck Edenburn                - 7 18:31  Alyssa Meyer
- 9 19:40  Dan Ponte                          - 8 18:33  Stacey Cheney
- 12 19:35  Fred Rivard                     - 11 18:53  Lindsay Slate
- 17 20:51  Chris Ponte                     - 13 19:16  Heather Rennie
- 18 21:01  Ben Withey                     - 15 19:57  Kate Rackliffe
- 19 21:05  Ralph Pearsall l                - 16 19:57  Lindsay Roy
- 20 21:07  Danny Jones                    - 17 19:58  Maura Kenny
- 21 21:18  Steve Nemeth                  - 19 20:05  Nori Messier
- 24 21:27  Alex Flis                           - 21 21:08  Jill Cavanna
- 25 21:37  Graham Kolar                  - 22  21:21  Katie Finlan

Final Team Score

Rockey Hill Vs Bacon - 27-42 - Rham            23-32 - Rockey Hill
Rockey Hill Vs Cromwell - 15-30 - Rham       15-50 - Rockey Hill
Rockey Hill Vs Lyman - 33-22 - Lyman          31-26 - Lyman
Bacon Vs Lyman - 34-23 - Lyman                  38-20 - Lyman
Bacon Vs Cromwell - 15-50 - Bacon              15-50 - Bacon
Cromwell Vs Lyman - 50-15 - Lyman             50-15 - Lyman

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Weds. 9/15 -Killingly 
Owen Bell Park 4:00 pm
Sat. 9/18 -Windham 
Windham  9:00 am
Mon.* 9/20 -Chenry Tech 
3:45 pm
Mon.* 9/27 -East Hampton 
East Hampton 3:45 pm
Thurs. 9/30 -Bellringer Invite East Hampton 3:45 pm
Mon.* 10/4 -Bolton 
Lyman 3:45 pm
Sat. 10/9 -Wickham Invite Wickham Park 10:00 am
Tues.* 10/12 -Cromwell 
-Rockey Hill 
Rockey Hill 3:45 pm
Fri. 10/14 -Windham Tech Mansfield Hollow Park 3:45 pm
Weds.* 10/20 C.O.C Meet Coginchaug 3:30 pm
Mon. 10/25 -Wheeler 
Wheeler 4:00 pm
Sat. 10/30 State Meet Wickham Park T.B.A.

*  = C.O.C. Meet
T.B.A. = To Be Announced

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Boys Team                                Girls Team
Pat  Blake                                   Jasmine Manning
Johnny Wakerman                     Heather Semon
Chuck Edenburn                       Stacey Cheney
Danny Jones                              Alyssa Meyer
Rob Durnik                                Lindsay Roy
Ralph Pearsall                           Kate Rackliffe
Dan Ponte                                 Lindsay Martineau
Alex Flix                                   Heather Rennie
Fred Rivard                              Katie Finlan
Ben Withey                               Jen Haberern
Steve Nemeth                          Amber Manning
Andy Ives                                 Liza Hebb
Graham Kolar                         Paula Rondeau
Steve Kropp                            Jenna Solari
Chris Ponte                             Tara Murphy
Adam Leston                           Meghan Bergaron
Jake Shanks                           Heather Berube
Joel Scatta                              Kara Genntes
Joe Henderson                        Jakie Proulx
Joe Bendoraitis                       Amanda Kilton
George Sweetland                  Tina Hupfauer - From Germany
Al  Yonkowski
Greg Hartzell
Nick Culpin
Kyle Spooner
Pat Worth
Alex Colburne
Christian Shaw
Mikey Mastalers
Ron Smith
DJ Shumey
Gabor Turshcl - From Hungry
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