

Bell Ringer Invite      Windham Invite         Practices       C.O.C.'s         States     Seniors


Bell Ringer

Graham Kolar finishes in 2nd place in the Jv race         Blake picking runners off one by one

(Best Finish)                                                                                       Boys Varsity

Jasmine Manning finishing strong in the Girls                           Pat Coming in in the second place
Varsity  race
                                                                                                      Boys Varsity

Johnny Wakermen finishing strong at the end                       Danny Jones taking over the 78th spot

Boys Varsity                                                                              Boys Varsity

Steve Nemeth runs through the soaked ground
to the finish line

Boys Varsity


Windham Invite

Pat Worth, Chris Ponte, Alex
Colburn getting ready for their
Freshmen race



Pat W. and Amber Mannng             Rob Durnick, Chuck Edenburn,
running on the town green                Dan solari and Danny Jones enjoying
                                                       practice on the green

Heather Semon running hard in       Moria Kenny cooling down after
practice                                         a speed-workout

Mike Lopes running hard in             One of the teams demonstrating
the speed-workout                          the follow the leader game

Sean Beurad, our asst. coach,       Alyssa Myer and Katie Finland
getting ready for our meet              relax and wait for their rides home

Chris and Christian having fun at     Amanda and Jen enjoying some of
the pasta party                                pasta before the big meet tomorrow


Stacey after the C.O.C race        The boys J.V. team after the C.O.C. race

Heather Semon and Heather        The girls varsity team
Rennie having a good time at
the C.O.C.'s

Stacey hot on Alyssa's heels                                 The boys varsity team




Everest at the State         Heather Semon comming
meet with Coach             out of the woods

The girls varsity team      Heather Rennie racing
streching before the         down the course
state meet

Alyssa Meyer running    Former runner Dan Solari
her opponents down      comes to cheer us on

Coach Merlino getting    Norie Messier runnig
around the course            strong





Greg Hartzell reciving honor for                                    Greg Hartzell reciving honor for
being a senior cross country                                          being a senior cross country
runner                                                                           runner

Andy Ives reciving honor for being                              Dan Ponte reciving honor for being
a senior cross country runner                                       a senior cross country runner

Jamie Nowasad  reciving honor for being                    Joe Bendoraitis reciving honor for being
a senior cross country runner                                      a senior cross country runner

Liza Hebb reciving honor for being                             Paula Rondeau reciving honor for being
a senior cross country runner                                      a senior cross country runner

Stacey Cheney reciving honor for being                                                Tara Murphy reciving honor for being
a senior cross country runner                                                                a senior cross country runner
